List of United States firearms topics
Legal Topics
Primary Organizations
Prominent individuals
Advocates on behalf of citizen's ability to own firearms of their choice
Advocates of government control of citizen's choice of firearms
Legal Topics
U.S. Firearms
Legal Topics
Assault weapons ban
ATF Bureau
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Concealed carry in the U.S.
Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban
Federal Firearms License
Firearm case law
Firearm Owners Protection Act
Gun Control Act of 1968
Gun laws in the U.S. — by state
Gun laws in the U.S. — federal
Gun politics in the U.S.
National Firearms Act
Second Amendment to the Constitution
Straw purchase
Sullivan Act (New York)
Violent Crime Control Act
Primary Organizations
Gun interest groups in the U.S.
Pro-gun rights
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Gun Owners of America
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Law Enforcement Alliance of America
Liberty Belles
National Rifle Association
Pink Pistols
Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Sisters
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
National Shooting Sports Foundation
Pro-gun control
American Hunters and Shooters Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Joyce Foundation
League of Women Voters
Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition
Violence Policy Center
Prominent individuals
Advocates on behalf of citizen's ability to own firearms of their choice
Gary Kleck
Charlton Heston
Wayne LaPierre
John Lott
Ted Nugent
Advocates of government control of citizen's choice of firearms
Michael D. Barnes
Michael Bellesiles
James Brady
Sarah Brady
Tom Diaz
Arthur Kellermann
Michael Moore
Josh Sugarmann